
Between Darkness and insanity - Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

Before Sam could say anything to her defence, Lady reached her right arm out and ripped Sam's shirt to reveal her bra and bare skin. Her nails were cold like a metal, when she touched Sam's ribs, but they quickly heated up, when she burrowed them into her skin. Hot red blood spurted out of the wounds. But Lady did not stopped there. She used her nails to tear Sams skin.

Sam screamed.

Lady laughed.

Sam cried.

Lady laughed more.

Sam called for help.

Lady laughed. Then stopped. Then screamed.

The sharp nails were burrowed into Sam´s skin and were slightly scratching her bare ribs, slowly making their way to her lung and eventually her heart while causing massive bleeding. They stopped in their process.

Sam was able to open one eye full of tears.
There was a Lady standing in front of her with shocked glance placed on her face.
Then everything slowed down like in a movie. One hairy arm wrapped around Ladie´s shoulders and the second one contorted her free hand behind her back. Antis head slowly popped up behind the Lady.
He smiled showing his teeth in a abnormally huge grin full of a teeth thin as a needles ready to kill.
He bit her in the neck.
Black blood spurt out of the wound and stained his face and her pale skin. Her sharp nails and fingers started to retreat from Sam´s body. Invisible force holding her up disappeared.

Then everything went back to its normal time and space.

Sam fell on her knees, holding her bleeding wound while Lady tried to scratch Anti down from her neck. He bit deep like a hungry wolf and it was not easy to shook him off.

Lady gestured with her free hand. Pewds and Dark started to move. They were on their way to Anti.
He felt the movement behind him and jumped away, tearing Ladies neck apart as he moved. Before those two were able to manoeuvre their still a little bit stiff bodies to them, Anti was already squatting at the top of the broken statue, balancing at the top of the founders head.

“Get...them!” gurgled Lady. She was surprisingly more OK than she should be. Her black blood was spilling out of her torn neck. She just casually covered the wound with her palm, trying to hold it together.

The two mindless puppets separated. Dark was heading to the statue, Pewds was making his way to Sam.

Sam was coughing blood. It seemed like Lady already scratched her lung. It hurted like hell, but thankfully it was not a deep wound. She tried to cover her bare chest with the torn shirt. Then she glimpsed Pewds coming her way. She quickly gathered herself and stood up.

“Pewds its me! Sam!” she tried to talk to him, but he was still walking to her like a creepy tin soldier, head rotated to one side making sure he hears her properly.

Sam was walking backwards, stumbling over the rubble and trying to make her distance from him. “Pewds! Think about Cutie!” she tried again.

Pewds actually stopped walking and tilted his head to his left shoulder. He was listening. Sam slowly made her way back to him, one hand raised in front of her like she was going to pet a scared animal. “Think about her. I promised to help you to find her, just snap out of that spell, dearie,” her voice was so soothing. Pewds sniveled.

In the middle of the square Dark started to climb the statue Anti was nesting on. Acrid black smoke covered the metal statue, melting the bronze like an acid. Anti stood up and when Dark's hand showed at the top of the founders head, Anti stamp on his fingers with both of his bare feet.

Dark howled and digged his claws into the softening metal, trying to climb up from the horse statue and catch that jumpy little flea up above. Anti tried to avoid his hands, but Dark was lucky and wrapped one strong palm around Anti´s ankle. He pulled him down to his level, causing Anti to hit his head on the metal founder´s shoulder.
The statue was quickly melting down due to Darks smoke. The bronze rider was leaning forward on his headless horse, his hand losing grip on his shield. The spear he was holding in his right hand fell down and got stuck in the broken pavement.

Dark fell from the statute and landed on Anti astride. He tried to catch his waving hand, but Anti was fast as a lizard and was wiggling under him as much as he could. Darks poisonous smoke was staining Anti´s clothes and it was fastly burning through it closer and closer to his skin. Dark tried his best to hug Anti and press himself closer on him. That way he could melt Anti with the smoke like an ice cream in hot sunny day. Anti´s hands were in one fire as he tried to push Dark away.

“It is OK, Pewds,” continued Sam her slow walk towards her blind friend. He looked like a confused puppy, trying to fight with Ladies magic.
Sam put her hand delicately on Pews shoulder. Suddenly he snapped out of his thinking and grasped her. Sam yelped and tried to wiggle away. Pewds hands were so strong they left red marks on her arms. He teleported.

Sam almost puked. The world turned upside down and even when it lasted just a second, she felt like someone turned her inside out and back again. She realised he moved them at the top of the nearby half-collapsed building and he was fastly pushing her on the edge. Sam dig her heels to the rubble and stopped the movement.

Before she turned at Pewds down there, she found a glass shard. She hid it in her sleeve for a later use. Now she was able to reach it and she scratched Pewds hand with it. She had bad swung on it so it was not a deep wound.
Pewds screamed, let Sam go and gripped his wounded shoulder where she hit him. His blue t-shirt was stained with his white blood that was fastly evaporating, leaving only gray marks on the cloth.

Sam swung her shard again but hit only wind. He moved again. Sam was slowly turning around, shard ready to strike again, but whenever Pewds appeared, he quickly disappeared right before she could hit him. She was exhausted, her chest was in so much pain, legs were shaking and she was feeling hot fluid coming from the wounds on her chest, that was quickly cooling in the cold weather. She was slowly moving away from the edge of the building.

She heard Anti scream and cough, when Darks cloud was burning his bare arms and slowly making its way to his mouth and lungs. Anti tried to bite and wiggle away from him, but the smoke was thick and Dark too strong. He was not able to escape.

Even with a seeping holes in her chest, Sam tried to think clearly. She quickly summarized what she knew about Pewds in a desperate attempt to find something that will help her.
He could teleport. What about a solid stone? I f she calculates it right….
She had nothing to lose here. She waited for Pewds to disappear again and then she run to the stairs into the ruined building. She heard ZAP-ZAPPING sounds of Pewds teleporting right behind her. When she heard him just behind her heels, she quickly changed the way of her run and jumped behind the first concrete wall she saw.

Pewds was so locked onto her and under such a strong spell he was not thinking clearly about where was he teleporting. Sam heard a loud thump and then Pewds weeping. She turned.

Her friend was trapped in the concrete wall. His right hand and the top of his body teleported to her side and his legs and hips were on the other side of the wall. He was stuck in between by his waist. His left arm was stuck in the concrete but that didn't stopped him from trying to reach Sam with at least his right one.
Sam jumped away from him. She clenched her trusty glass shard.

Anti saw his chance. He let Dark hug him but just before that second Anti was able to duck his legs. He kicked Dark in the guts so strongly he lost his grip on Anti and flew backwards.
Antis hands and forearms were burned like he was holding them in the fire and he felt his belly might be burned too. He slowly got up. Then he heard Dark howling.
He turned to see Dark impaled on the bronze spear. He flew right onto it. The shaft pierced him right through his heart. Red bubbly blood was pouring from the wound like a lava accompanied by the fire flashing from it. Dark was already wiggling and climbing the shaft to get away.
Anti jumped closer and with all his might he squashed Dark with his feet back to the ground and he bended the bronze rod so that Dark could not escape.

When his enemy was defeated Anti shifted his focus on the second fight. He glimpsed Sam running away from Pewds inside the building. He started running to them, not thinking about glass and rubble harming his bare feet.

Sam was already standing in a safe distance from growling Pewds when Anti showed in the window next to her. She screamed and waved her shard how much he scared her. Anti was sqatting at the edge of the broken window with his hands above his head.
When Sam saw him she jumped forward and hugged him around the waist so strongly she almost knocked him back outside. Also she pressed herself on his burned belly. Anti made a soft hiss.

“I´m glad you are alive!” she smiled.

“Yeah, it seems I am in one piece,” he grinned, trying to hold his burned hands above her so she would not touch them too. They were quickly healing anyway.

Sam turned to Pewds, who was still trying to reach them like some kind of a trapped blind zombie.

“What do we do with him?” she asked.

“The only way to get rid of the Lady and her spells is through the heart,” said Anti.

Sam looked at her glass shard The sharp sides of it made her hand bleed but she was so focused she didn't realised it.

“Do I have to?” she asked again.

“If ya want to get rid of her?...”

Sam breathed in and out and turned at Pewds.

“I am so sorry,” she whispered to him, but if he heard her, he was not showing anything. One tear rolled down from her eye. She breathed in and out again and one quick move she fended off his waving hand and thrusted the shard into Pewds heart.

A milky white blood spurted from the wound and sprinkled her hands and blouse, evaporating almost immediately in a small clouds. Pewds was surprisingly still alive, but his movements get slower and a bit off. His eyes stopped being so shiny and it looked like the spell was broken, but Lady was trying to get him under her control.

Sam heard the Lady back on the street scream in pain. It hurted her as well.

“She is next,” said Anti.

“What about Dark?” asked Sam.

Anti showed her his hands and arms burned to the muscle but slowly closing and healing, covering the wounds with fresh new skin, “I think I got him.”

“Then let´s finish this!” smiled Sam. Anti replied with a huge grin.

While Sam was running down the stairs, Anti was jumping around her like a monkey from window to window and sliding on the railings.

“You little piece of shit!” screamed Lady when she saw Sam coming towards her with Anti behind her. The Lady was sitting on the rubble, holding her ripped neck. Her black blood was still seeping through and dripping onto the dusty asphalt. He was not able to stand up.

“Language, please!” Sam sent the sarcastic ball to Lady.

“I am still not done yet!” laughed Lady, “Did you already forget about my pet?” she waved her hands obviously trying to summon her Cry monster.
Sam and Anti prepared for another battle.
But nothing happened.
The Lady tried and tried but only thing that she summoned was smoke and few flames that quickly disappeared into thin air. A soft howl was heard through the weak portal. Her pet was still safely in her realm and she was too weak to call him.

Sam and Anti laughed and stepped closer to her.

She growled and turned back to them, raising her free hand at them. “Well I have another ace in my sleeve, although just for a short time!”

“What is she talking about?” asked Sam.
When Anti was not responding for a while, she turned at him.

He was shaking violently, visibly fighting with an unseen force. He was growling, his hands clenched into a fists. His knuckles were white. Finally he stopped, his muscles relaxed.
Then he looked up.
His eyes were pure green.
The Lady laughed.

“Oh shiiit not again.” growled Sam.
Prepare yourself
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